Sitemap - 2024 - The Sandbox Daily

U.S. economic growth remains on solid footing, plus gold and housing affordability

America's busted recession indicators, plus Mag 7 gets whacked, retail categories in deflation, and earnings season reactions

Investors are suffering from whiplash, plus household debt, U.S. economic growth, and small-caps

The U.S. consumer is seeking value, plus policy ≠ investment results, Mag 7 earnings, and private equity exit activity

Historical stock performance when the Fed cuts interest rates, plus asymmetric opportunities in bonds and central bank easing

Forward expectations for U.S. large-cap stocks, plus 2024's calm market, global container prices, and small-caps make history

This bull market is young, plus breadth improvement, loss aversion, and Retail Sales

Earnings season is here, plus postage stamps, CapEx tailwinds, and long-term trends

Robust equity allocations, plus markets in transition, Nvidia, Costco, and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

"Life moves pretty fast"

Fees matter, plus bankruptcies surge and relative value

Strong outlook for stocks heading into 2nd half, plus downside volatility, 2Q earnings preview, housing market, and Boeing

Good entry points are difficult to find, plus time in the market, central bank flows, and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

High-income earners are stressed, plus credit market revival and job openings

Few stocks beating the market, plus household health, holding cash, July seasonality, and Bobby Bonilla

Stocks increasingly going their own way these days, plus Nvidia makes history, central banks, and China

Savings rates show Americans are serious about retirement, plus economic surprises, new home sales, and AMZN hits $2T

Are the arguments against breadth misplaced? 📈, plus record air travel ✈️ and housing supply shortage 🏠

Central banks moving closer towards easing, plus S&P 500 w/o a 2% decline, Sahm rule, and corporate taxes

Car prices could offload inflationary pressures, plus cash and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

One powerful tailwind for stocks, plus small-caps, economic data disappoints, and the cost of our national debt

Breadth undermines confidence in market's advance, plus no love for stocks, waiting on pullbacks, and a timely update on the consumer

When markets price presidential elections, plus the vibecession, a conversation with Ryan Detrick and Sonu Varghese, the AI boom, and 60-40 is not dead

Path of disinflation remains intact

The stock market is complicated, plus record U.S. household net worth, value investing dead?, and major book announcements

Fewer C-Suites mention "recession," plus bear market in diversification, delinquencies, and Nvidia's stock split

Roaring Kitty (aka r/DeepFuckingValue) returns, plus the May jobs report and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

TSA travel data, plus stock ownership at record highs, growth/value, narrow breadth, and initial jobless claims

NVDA 2nd-most valuable company, plus home payments, strong Presidential summer, patience, economic indicators, and Cyclicals vs. Defensives

Despite pessimism June looking positive, plus life remains in this bull, bank balance sheet losses, and job openings slip again

Residential housing market, plus emotional biases, stock ownership, and consumer spending

What to expect from stocks in June, plus 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

Fed pause a reason for optimism? plus dividend yields, orange juice prices, and market valuation

Why staying invested matters, plus the best long-term investment, market breadth, and worker productivity

Risk appetite has returned, plus U.S. trade, rate cut expectations, and parents are (still) not ok

Hedge fund positioning, plus market valuation, election year expectations, and a visit with Charles Payne on Fox Biz

Key Q1 mutual fund trends on what investors need to know, plus strong breadth, credit demand, and earnings

Wall Street's biggest bear throws in the towel and turns "bullish," plus corporate defaults, easing cycle broadens, and Dow 40k

Low volatility good for stocks, plus economic strength, AI on power demand, and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

April CPI inflation report, plus divs/buybacks, Vanguard's new CEO, and earnings estimates

State of the Markets: bringing clarity to this messy environment

Earnings at center stage, plus quiet market strength, China, gasoline prices, and Roaring Kitty

Breadth expands as SPX within 1% of ATH, plus consumer sentiment, quant wizard passes away, and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

The S&P 500 led by Utilities ??!?, plus U.S. homeowners, debt maturity schedule, and easing financial conditions

Social Security projected to cut its benefits in 2035, barring reform

Lump-sum vs. DCA, plus upcoming wealth transfer, volatility, and hidden cost of mutual funds

Cash in 2024, plus Gallup poll on inflation, credit spreads, and key Fed lending survey

April jobs report, plus big tech and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

The current bull market in context, plus inflation mentions, U.S. economic prowess, and active vs. passive

Earnings season reactions, plus housing market strength, oil markets, pandemic population shifts, and job openings

Stock market corrections in context, plus "sell in May and go away," public vs. private markets, and wage inflation

College education, plus the Magnificent 7 and the bond maturity wall

Stock's pullback, plus bitcoin and Facebook's island reversal

Wage growth vs. investment growth, plus America's reliance on China and Ferrari's profitability

Safe-haven assets, plus staggering losses for bonds, Fed's balance sheet, and finance/tech jobs

Perspective on the 5-month rally, plus rate cuts, tax brackets, and market benchmarks

Fast food inflation, plus residential mortgages, tax refunds, and investor sentiment

Small caps, plus auto insurance, U.S. oil output, labor market, and China's economy

Rising geopolitical tensions, plus Retail Sales and bitcoin volatility

Investing at all-time highs, and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

Earnings season is here !!!, plus bitcoin halving and central bank historical precedence

Gold on the move, plus SPX valuation edging higher, credit spreads, and global manufacturing

Market correction catalysts, plus U.S. immigration and the budget deficit

Historical context of current market cycle, plus corporate tax rates, housing affordability, and the bond slump

Average household net worth soars, plus market momentum into 2024 year-end, Fed balance sheet, and bullish sentiment

All-time highs in the stock market, plus the momentum factor and cocoa prices

Buffett stock valuation indicator, plus April seasonality favors stocks and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

IPO landscape, plus downside protection, risky borrowers, and the 2020s=1920s ??

Labor market breadth, plus AI infrastructure, market internals, and aligning financial priorities

The bifurcated consumer, plus expensive valuations, S&P 500's changing composition, and startup shutdowns

Notice to The Sandbox Daily subscribers

Money market cash balances, plus the 2000 bubble, market breadth, default rates, and 🧁 weekend sprinkles 🧁

Female labor force participation ⬆️, plus active management performance ⬇️ and a classic recession indicator ⁉️

Inflation's bumpy ride to 2%, plus record U.S. oil production, market breadth, global shipping, and LT inflation expectations

Presidential elections impact on stock markets, plus small-cap migrations, rate expectations, and debt maturity schedule

February jobs report, plus market concentration and weekend sprinkles (a new TSD feature)

It's really hard to beat the market, plus earnings season, stock buybacks, and geographic revenue exposure

Why I remain constructive on markets here at all-time highs

Gold all-time highs, plus March seasonality, net new highs, target-date funds, and rates vs. inflation

Context around the 4-mo stock market rally, plus risk and sentiment indicators, cycles, and recovery times from market loss

Fed's preferred inflation measure, plus insider selling and the 60/40 portfolio

Bitcoin pops off, plus immigration labor force trends and Fidelity's retirement analysis

Current bull cycle in time and price, plus concentration bias, bond maturity profile, and higher prices coming again ?!?

The market's strong start to 2024, plus S&P 500 valuations, corporate net interest expense, and rate cuts

Wall Street strategists upping their SPX targets, plus companies hoarding cash, positioning, and the labor market

How to reach $1 million dollars by 65, plus household balance sheets, Japan ATHs, quality, and equity volatility

Great Retirement boom, plus Dow Jones index changes, SPR, Softbank, and private companies

Hedge Fund trends, plus Chinese markets, bond market repositions, Conference Board capitulates, and earnings

Investing at all-time highs

Bitcoin volatility regimes, plus CHIPS/IRA capex, equity allocations, and Retail Sales

>50% of stocks down since 1st hike, plus cocoa's parabolic rise, P/E ratios and forward returns, and bitcoin flows

Inflation's bumpy ride to 2%, plus bankruptcies, forward P/E at 20x, and credit standards

3 key investors principles to consider

Pace of rate cuts, plus market divergences and Morgan Housel

IPO market, plus Warren Buffett estate instructions, U.S. trade partners, CEO confidence, and credit spreads

Voting with your wallet, plus time affluence, small-caps BTN, and a crazy Tech stat

U.S. household debt by the numbers, plus Mag 7, cash balances, and European earnings

Consumer confidence, plus Apple and a key lending survey

Economic surprises, plus outstanding debt composition, oil production, and ETF investor data

January barometer flashes green, plus employment costs, Treasury refunding, stock drivers, and the month's performance

It's not just 7 stocks, plus active management, hikes-to-cuts, Grayscale outflows, and a stop at the NYSE

Reasons to support the bull case

Divergences among the major indexes, plus the Fed's inflation measure, aging demographics, and the yield curve reshaping

U.S. economic growth defies recession calls, plus small business boom and shell companies

Stocks and rate cuts, plus pricing risk, cost of timing the market, and a 7% yield

Investing at all-time highs, plus Lump Sum vs. DCA annnnnd Bitcoin's rough start

Chinese stocks pounded, plus stock-bond correlation and leading economic indicators

Fed cutting cycles, plus credit spreads vs. fundamentals, new world order, unemployment, and Kenny Chesney

Red Sea crisis, plus the trouble with small-caps and an update on the consumer

Commercial bankruptcies, plus Bitcoin inflows surge, manufacturing, and the unemployment rate

America's final inflation report for 2023, plus business travel and low volatility regimes

Recent wealth gains, plus QT and mortgages, Bitcoin, and 10-yr US Treasury

Office vacancy rates, plus spot Bitcoin approval imminent, inflation expectations, and the most sanctioned countries

Wall Street's outlook for 2024, plus central banks, rates after the "pivot," and 4th quarter earnings

December jobs report, plus Venture Capital and 4th quarter earnings preview

Elevated equity positioning, plus Santa Claus no-shows, lending standards vs. credit spreads, and central bank policy

Happy New Year and the technical backdrop supporting equities in 2024